Welcome to the site of the
Art Resilience movement Wikipédia
Head office : Bateau-Lavoir Wikipédia
Contact : Ksenia Milicevic
13, place Emile Goudeau
75018 Paris
Re-basing art on beauty, re-basing beauty on nature
Beauty is the optimal point of potentiality based on harmony and equilibrium.
Ksenia Milicevic
Art speaks of the human world in the language of the world.
Art is not for the entertainment of the artist, nor to disseminate his opinions, it goes to the viewer. It must open up a space to the world and to nature. He thus teaches balance and harmony.
Ksenia Milicevic
Note: Resilience is originally a term used in physics to characterize the ability of a material subjected to an impact to regain its original state. It is the ability to absorb disturbances, to be changed and then to re-organise, to learn from the disturbance, and to still retain the same basic structure, to still have the same identity.
In art, resilience is the ability of the artwork to preserve its special features through aesthetics despite increasing subjectivization.
The issue of resilience in art was raised in Congrès Euro- Méditerrané - la Résilience dans la Mode du Vivant en 2016 and in 4° Congrès mondial sur la Résilience en 2018
See - Resilience in Art - Wikipédia
The 1st meeting of members of Art Resilience, by videoconference on Saturday March 27, was a great success. Artists from all four sides of the world were able to follow presentations by 11 participants and then dialogue.
See the presentations here : HERE
Contact : Marie Ange Van Meyel marieangevanmeyel@gmail.com Next meeting - April 5, 2025 at 5 p.m. (Paris) Subject Is art still possible?
Resilio– The International Association for the Promotion and Dissemination of Research on Resilience
Lescar, France
San Juan Islands, Wa, Etats-Unis
News from
Christopher Stone
Nouveau livre de Michelle Marder Kamhi New book
Sur Amazon
Livre publié en novembre 2020
Dessins de Ksenia Milicevic sur la résilience
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